4580 East Thousand Oaks Boulevard, Suite 250 Westlake Village, CA 91362


Copyright Infringement on the Internet

Thanks to hosting sites such as DeviantArt, Etsy, and Tumblr, all types of artists are able to display their work to the world and make a name for themselves through the internet. Whether it’s fine art, writing, photography, crafts, music, or something else that you’ve created, there are copyright laws that protect your work. Copyright…

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Avoid Contract Disputes by Hiring a Business Litigation Lawyer

While the role of a litigation lawyer can vary, many business litigation lawyers would highly recommend consulting an attorney when it comes to contracts. In essence, it’s a good idea to hire a business litigation lawyer any time you prepare to enter into an agreement or if you would like to protect yourself against future…

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Registering a Trademark for Your Business

The first thing a customer or client notices about a company is their unique “face” – whether it is in the form of a name, phrase, logo, word, or symbol. Your company’s face or trademark represents your company and should be protected accordingly. Should a company neglect to register their trademark, there can be a…

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